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Fifty Dead Man Walking Torrent Download
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grow; $3,000,000 increase is shown incollections for last year.July 9: Chicago-Thirty deaths in Mid-west due to great heat. Lebanon, Ind.-Eli Hirshfield, well known in Texas,dies. New York-Cotton price dropson report of more acreage.July 12: Rome-Russian ice breaker Kras-sin rescues seven more survivors ofill-fated Italia's crew; Dr. Malmgren,third of walking party, dead whenfound. Mount Holly, N. J.-Capt. Emi-lio Carranza, Mexican good will flyer,killed when plane crashes.July 16: Austin-Tax rate for Texas isput at 64c; reduction for biennium is11c, lowest in fourteen years.July 17: Official France and Spain meeton the Pyrenees border to celebrateth. completion of the huge Samporttunnel. Mexico City-President-ElectAlvaro Obregon is killed while at ban-quet in little town of San Angel.July 20: Fort Worth-Sam H. Cowan dies.July 21-Ellen Terry dies at her home inEngland. Milk products plant openedat Marshall.July 23: Washington-Santa Fe buysOrient's stock for $17,000,000.July 25: Dallas-Beginning of TrinityRiver levee work marks fruition ofabout twenty years' endeavor.July 28: Texas primary election.July 30: New Bedford, Mass.-With bayo-nets fixed, militia charges on crowdof 10,000 as 256 strike pickets arejailed.Aug. 2: Houston-Gen. J. C. Foster, formercommander of the United ConfederateVeterans, dies.Aug. 9: Chicago-George E. Brennan,Democratic leader, dies. Batavia, Java-Eruptions of volcano kill 1,000 na-tives.Aug. 12: Philadelphia-Jersey coast islashed by severe gale. Gilgit, BritishIndia-Twenty million tons of waterrushes in torrent upon the valley ofthe Indus through mountain gorgestributary to the Shyok Valley; floodloosed by breaking of a glacial icedam 1,000 feet wide and 1,200 feetthick. Corpus Christi-Syndicate ofSouth Texas capitalists purchases en-tire Taft ranch properties.Aug. 13: New York-Ship to shore airservice successfully inaugurated byvessel of French line.Aug. 15: Geneva-Costa Rica requestsLeague of Nations to interpret Mon-roe Doctrine; no hostility seen.Aug. 16:Atlanta, Ga.-Dozen towns inGeorgia, South Carolina and NorthCarolina isolated due to flood; elevenlives lost. Cochrane, Ontario-Bert R.J. Hassell of Rockford, Ill., and Sar-ker D. Cramer of Dallas, Texas, cover750 miles first day in flight to Swe-den.Aug. 18: Port Au Prince-Two hundred re-ported dead when storm wipes outHaiti villages; 10,000 persons are madehomeless; worst in forty-two years.Aug. 19: Cloan Perthshire, Scotland-Viscount Haldane of Cloan, famousBritish War Minister, dies at home inScotland.