Rad Tech Ce Credits
As a prerequisite for registration, medical radiologic technologists are required to complete continuing education. Current requirements for general medical radiologic technologists are summarized below. If you would like to review the current rule, these requirements are currently listed under the Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 194, Subchapter A, Rule 194.7(c), adopted to be effective September 16, 2018, located here.
Rad Tech Ce Credits
General medical radiologic technologists need to complete a minimum 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every 24 months (24 month timeline goes by the biennial registration period, not the calendar year). No more than 12 hours shall be completed through independent self-study. A permit holder must report during registration if she or he has completed the required CE during the previous two years (biennial registration period).
As a radiologic technologist, you know completing radiology continuing education (CE) courses is an ongoing requirement of your chosen career field. However, you may recall some of your past CE experiences being inconvenient, cumbersome, and stressful to say the least. We understand how time consuming and demanding it can be to complete radiology CE credits, especially since we all have busy lives.
We believe computed tomography training and CT Registry Exam prep does not need to be boring, expensive, or from a textbook alone. CTtechBootCamp's powerful video-based lessons, assessments, and digital ebooks will provide you the tools to succeed!
There is no other computed tomography training, Registry Exam prep, and CE course in the world that offers what is included with the CTtechBootCamp bundle! Our video-based courses and powerful learning platform offers the tools needed to support a new generation of visual-first and tech-savvy students and professionals.
All CTtechBootCamp courses have been approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), so please contact your State Association or Board of Health to ensure CEs received through CTtechBootCamp will be accepted.
Yes! CTtechBootCamp is structured, developed, and maintained by a Computed Tomography educator to ensure core content and principles are presented to support cross-train and preparation for the ARRT post-slate Computed Tomography registry exam.
Each course within CTtechBootCamp has been approved by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) for up to 16 hours of post-blue pathway Computed Tomography Structured Education Credits. To receive all 16-hours of Structured Education requirements, users MUST successfully pass all five (5) post-course assessments and submit the individual certificates of completion to ARRT.org.
After initially purchasing CTtechBootCamp you have 30-days to request a full refund. For monthly subscriptions, refunds are only offered for the prior month's charge. Refunds may not be requested if a post-course assessment has been successfully completed. Contact us at support@cloverlearning.com to request a refund.
CTtechBootCamp is ideal for technologists cross-training into Computed Tomography, preparing for the ARRT CT Registry Certification exam, or in need of Structured Education credit or ASRT approved CE.
The continuing education (CE) credits and continuing experience required to renew permits and certificates in radiologic technology are specified in title 17, California Code of Regulation (17 CCR), section 30403.
Certification and registration is a method of assuring the medical community and the public that an individual is qualified by knowledge and skills to practice within the profession. After initial certification and registration, advancing technology and changing job responsibilities may require technologists to update their knowledge and skills consistent with any new developments in medical imaging, radiation therapy, and interventional procedures.
Completion of instruction in digital radiologic technology (to obtain digital authorization) in accordance with [17 CCR 30410(c)] is considered to be approved for 20 CE credits for purposes of renewing your permit. It is your responsibility to include these credits on your renewal application.
Continuing education (CE) for medical radiologic technologists is a requirement for maintenance of their ARRT certification and registration. It is a mechanism to assure the medical community and public that the radiologic technologist is qualified by knowledge and skills to practice in the profession of Radiologic Technology. Participation in continuing education in radiology demonstrates a Radiologic Technologists accountability to fulfill their responsibility to their professional peers in the healthcare community and the patient population they serve. It also reinforces the Code of Ethics jointly endorsed by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologist and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
Radiologic Technologists are responsible for obtaining their radiology CE credits and can choose from a variety of X-Ray CE and X-Ray courses to meet their requirement. The ARRT requires technologists to acquire 24 Radiology CE credits every two years. One continuing education credit is equated to a minimum of 50 minutes of educational activity. Radiologic Technologists have the flexibility to choose the type of continuing education in Radiology that is most beneficial to their area of expertise. The continuing education can be acquired from online radiology continuing education courses, radiology CE webinars, radiology continuing education presented in the form of a simulcast and from written articles that have been reviewed and designated for radiology technologist CE education.
Some states have specific requirements for Radiologic Technologist medical continuing education. The State of Texas requires RT's to acquire 24 hours of CE in Radiology with 12 of those CE hours directly related to ionizing radiation. Another requirement for Texas Radiologic Technologist is 3 of the 24 Radiology CE credits must be obtained via live instruction. The other Radiology CEU's can be acquired from online radiology continuing education courses, radiology CE webinars, radiology continuing education presented in the form of simulcasts and from written articles that have been reviewed and designated for radiology technologist education.
For the Texas MRT Board, technologists must obtain 24 credits in 24 months, at least half of those must deal with ionizing radiation and/or patient care (Direct Credit). The other 12 credits can be any courses related to imaging and therapeutic sciences. The MSU RADS courses listed above with the letter D are direct credit courses and those marked with an I are indirect credit courses.
TMB renewals are based on the year you were initially licensed and then biannual after that. Your renewal date is either in February or August depending on your birth month. Some technologists renew in even years and some in odd years, depending on when you were first licensed.
Continuing Education is due biannually. CE must be completed by the last day of your renewal month. In the example above, my CE must be completed by August 31, 2019. The TMB does random auditing. TMB may audit any TMB licensed radiologic technologist for up to two years after they renew or apply. If you are audited, you will be required to submit proof of attendance (certificates, etc.) to the TMB for at least 24 hours of CE you took during that biennium. The certificates/etc. will be verified to see that they comply with the CE requirements. 041b061a72